Trainings From: Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County (LAFSBC)

The mission of the Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County (LAFSBC) is to provide high-quality legal services in order to ensure that low-income persons and seniors have access to the civil justice system in times of crisis – to secure safe, habitable shelter, adequate income, and protection from domestic violence and elder abuse. LAFSBC’s vision is to provide Equal Access to Justice for all; removing victims of domestic violence permanently from harm’s way, preventing homelessness, helping seniors live with dignity and independence & providing a legal safety net for low income residents of Santa Barbara County. Since 1959 LAFSBC has provided free legal assistance in critical civil matters. Its mission is to ensure equal and meaningful access to the civil justice system to Santa Barbara county residents living at or below the poverty level, those facing language or disability barriers, seniors and others living on fixed incomes such as Social Security, and victims of domestic violence and elder abuse. Services range from the provision of legal information and advice to assistance with the preparation of legal documents and representation in court proceedings. Because of resource limitations, practice is primarily directed at assisting persons in crisis. LAFSBC has offices in Santa Barbara, Santa Maria and Lompoc.