Trainings From: Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area (LCCRSF)

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, founded in 1968, works to advance, protect and promote the legal rights of communities of color, and low-income persons, immigrants, and refugees. Assisted by hundreds of pro bono attorneys, LCCRSF provides free legal assistance and representation to individuals on civil legal matters through direct services, impact litigation and policy advocacy. LCCRSF has programs in racial justice, immigrant justice, and community impact and economic justice, all of which involve direct services and impact work. LCCRSF believes equal access to justice depends on access to quality legal services, neither race nor immigration status should affect a person’s success or failure, economic empowerment is key to the civil rights movement, injustice must be rooted out, and the true needs of the community must be central to any litigation or advocacy agenda.